This is a list of selected personal projects I was working on and papers or books I read:
Personal Projects
Automatic Machine Learning System
- Generalisation of Machine Learning Pipeline tasks (from reading raw data to model optimisation)
- Setup of ML-pipelines fast and easy via configs and without writing code
- Utilisation of a self designed feature store
- Automatic model selection, hyperparameter optimisation, cross validation, metric calculation, ensemble building
- Deployment on AWS
Automated Stock Trading via Interactive Brokers
- Data Streaming via Interactive Brokers and RabbitMQ
- Data Storage via Postgres and the time series database TimeScaleDb
- Containerisation of Interactive Brokers Software
- Container orchestration for 5 workers:
- retrieving live stock data from Interactive Brokers API
- cleaning and storing stock data
- calculating time series features and stock indicators
- execution of trading strategy
- live trading of stocks via Interactive Brokers API
Stock trading strategy based on Machine Learning models
- Various approaches to building a trading strategy that beats the market
- Leveraging of Deep Learning using the Keras package and Long Short-Term Memory Networks (LSTMs)
- Development of a full backtesting suite using real stock time series data
Prediction of Food Intolerances
- Data model design for various meals and ingredients
- Prediction of digestive conditions based on previously eaten meals
KnowNet Document Search Engine
- Development of a personal knowledge graph and graph based search engine that connects personal information (e.g. local or cloud files, emails and notes) in a network of nodes and allows contextual full text search
- Leveraging of Natural Language Processing (NLP), Topic Modelling
- WebApp development using React, Node.js and hosting on Heroku
- Business Model development
- Application for an Exist Business Start-up Grant
Work-related Projects
- Churn and conversion prediction
- Financial Budget prediction
- User activity prediction
- Model insights with SHAP
- Mailing optimisation with multi-armed bandits
- Customer lifetime revenue (CLR)
- Automatic risk report generation based on Big Data
Some technologies:
- Gradient Boosted Trees (Catboost) incl. feature engineering and hyperparameter optimisation
- Multi-Armed Bandits
- SHAP values for model insights
- Bayesian AB tests
Impact Analysis of events on Time Series data
- AWS Services: S3, EC2, ECR, AWS Batch, AWS Lambda
- Databases: Snowflake, Postgres, Elastic Search
- Automation: Airflow
- Containerisation: Docker
- Big Data: Spark and Kafka
Selected papers and books
TabNet: Deep Learning Models for small tabular datasets
- TabNet: Attentive Interpretable Tabular Learning
- Keywords: Tabular data, interpretable neural networks, attention models
Sleeping, recovering bandit algorithm
- A Sleeping, Recovering Bandit Algorithm for Optimizing Recurring Notifications
Multi-armed Bandits: A smart alternative to classical A/B testing
- Multiworld Testing Decision Service: A System for Experimentation, Learning, And Decision-Making
Causal Impact: Impact of an event on time series data
- Inferring Causal Impact Using Bayesian Structural Time-Series Models
- Keywords: Causal inference, counterfactual, synthetic control, observational, difference in differences, econometrics, advertising, market research.
Book: Time Series Forecasting
- Forecasting: Principles and Practice
Interpretable Models / Shap Values
- Consistent Individualized Feature Attribution for Tree Ensembles
- NGBoost: Natural Gradient Boosting for Probabilistic Prediction
- XGBoost: A Scalable Tree Boosting System
- CatBoost: unbiased boosting with categorical features
Topic Modelling
- Latent Dirichlet Allocation
- The PageRank Citation Ranking: Bringing Order to the Web